Page header image of an ore ship on Lake Superior

2024 Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) Grant Application

The Duluth Seaway Port Authority is submitting an application for a grant under the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program for the 2024 Duluth Port Intermodal Terminal Expansion Project. The project includes three main components: (1) reconstruction of 625 linear feet of the Berth 11 dock at the Clure Public Marine Terminal; (2) demolishing the former grain elevators and installing utilities at the Duluth Lake Port facility to clear the way for redevelopment of the dock; and (3) reconstruction of 1,175 linear feet of dock wall and creation of 7.5 acres of new, high-quality laydown space at the Duluth Lake Port facility.

1) Project Narrative – Duluth Port 2024 Intermodal Terminal Expansion

2) Letters of Support

3) Detailed Design Plans

4) GHG Emissions Inventory 2017-2022

5) Energy Analysis – Electrification and GHG Reduction

6) EJScreen Report

7) Response Action Plan

8) Climate Action Plan – Final Draft May 2024