Page header image of an ore ship on Lake Superior

Dredged Material Placement Site Solicitation

July 1, 2022

Proposal Deadline: July 20, 2022

The Duluth Seaway Port Authority is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design a project that will beneficially use soil material dredged from the federal navigation channel in the Port of Duluth-Superior. The DSPA seeks proposals from parties owning upland property who are interested in having the proposer’s property considered as beneficial use placement sites for approximately 200,000 cubic yards of soil material to be removed from the Erie Pier Dredged Material Management Facility in Duluth, Minnesota. If the beneficial use project is implemented, it is anticipated that soil material will be delivered to selected site locations beginning as soon as October 2022. It is anticipated that the USACE will contract with a private hauler so that soil material is delivered to selected sites at no cost to the property owner. Please review our request for proposal and the supporting documents for more detail.